Members of Peterborough's Bharat Hindu Samaj were recently invited to a reception in the House of Commons to celebrate Diwali. They were met by local MP Shailesh Vara, whose constituency of North West Cambridgeshire includes the southern half of the city.
Vara raises village speeding concerns with Police and Crime Commissioner
17 October 2023
Shailesh Vara MP organised a meeting with Darryl Preston, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire and members of Bainton Parish Council, along with other local residents to discuss speeding concerns in the village.
Vara supports fundraising for Historic Churches Trust
11 September 2023
Shailesh Vara MP visited All Saints Church in Hamerton to support the Ride and Stride Day organised by the Cambridgeshire Historic Churches Trust. While at the church, he met local resident Mrs Kate Tojeiro, who was greeting visitors.
Vara welcomes Government support for local haulage business
11 September 2023
Shailesh Vara MP has welcomed the Government's announcement that R.D. Williams & Sons Ltd, which is based in the village of Easton in Huntingdonshire, will receive £12,500 in funding to improve washroom facilities at the site.