13 December 2011
Shailesh Vara, Member of Parliament for North West Cambridgeshire, has visited the site for the new Ormiston Bushfield Academy to see progress on the building of the new school. During the visit, Mr Vara was given a tour of the building works by the Headteacher, Mr Eric Winstone.

In September 2010, the Academy signed a £20.6 million contract to rebuild the school, involving the demolition of the existing structure and the construction of a new building. Work commenced in December 2010 and is due to be completed in time for the Academy to open again in September 2012.

Mr Vara said:
“It was a great pleasure to visit the Academy and see the progress that has been made in the construction of the new school building. Once completed, the school will have some of the best facilities in Britain and they will be of enormous benefit to both pupils and teachers as well as providing facilities for the local community.”

Mr Eric Winstone, Headteacher of Ormiston Bushfield Academy, also said:
“The progress of the new Academy is well on target and the building will provide outstanding educational and community facilities for the Orton area of Peterborough. The building will contain a community library, youth centre, early years centre as well as outstanding sports facilities.”

Photo: Mr Vara and Mr Eric Winstone, Headteacher of Ormiston Bushfield Academy, together with Mr Richard German, Senior Project Manager (Kier), touring the Academy’s unfinished building.