Shailesh Vara MP is supporting World Parkinson's Day. He recently met with members of Parkinson’s UK, as well as people living with Parkinson’s disease, at the House of Commons.
Parkinson’s UK is the largest charity funder of research into Parkinson’s in the UK. It supports initiatives that seek to find better treatments and improve the understanding of the disease and its causes.
Parkinson’s disease is a condition where parts of the brain get damaged over time, leading to symptoms such as involuntary shaking, slow movement, and stiff muscles. They may also experience depression, balance problems, and memory issues. Many people are of the view that those with Parkinson’s develop symptoms later in life, but the reality is that many thousands of younger people are also affected.
In the United Kingdom, around 153,000 people live with Parkinson’s, affecting all aspects of their daily lives. This includes talking, swallowing, as well as writing. While there is currently no cure, research and support services – such as those provided by Parkinson’s UK – help improve the quality of life for those affected.
Amongst the issues discussed by Mr Vara was the need for early diagnosis and the importance of ensuring that those with the disease have access to appropriate care provision, as well as the need for continued support to try to better understand the disease and eventually find a cure.
Following the meeting, Mr Vara said:
“I was very pleased to meet with Parkinson’s UK to discuss the impact of Parkinson’s disease on our communities. Many people in the UK live with the condition, and it affects their lives in significant ways. It is important to recognise that this disease affects not only older people but also younger ones.
“It is vital that we continue to support the research and services which improve the quality of life for those affected.
“Parkinson’s UK has my full support as it continues to support research to find a cure and also as the charity offers help.”