23 December 2015
Shailesh Vara MP has visited the village of Barnack to view the site of a proposed housing development which could bring an additional 80 homes to the village.
An outline planning application for land to the west of Uffington Road, Barnack, was recently submitted to the local planning authority, Peterborough City Council. The proposal has been met with fierce opposition from Barnack Parish Council and local residents, with numerous submissions having been made to the city council as part of its consultation.
Mr Vara met with local residents and Peterborough City Councillor, David Over, to discuss their concerns. 
Following the meeting Mr Vara commented:
“This proposal is totally inappropriate for a beautiful conservation village like Barnack. The outline application for some 80 homes along Uffington Road would be a large-scale development and it would increase the housing in Barnack by some 18%.
The site is located in open countryside and is not within the village envelope. Peterborough City Council, the local planning authority, has well-established rules and regulations regarding village envelopes and it is clear that this application runs counter to these, along with other extant planning policies, and should therefore be rejected.”
Cllr David Over, Peterborough City Councillor for the Barnack Ward said:
“People who live in Barnack choose to live in a small village. This development threatens not just an extra 80 houses but opens up all the fields around Barnack and all other nearby villages.”
Mr Harry Brassey, Chairman of Barnack Parish Council, also commented:
“This proposed development is totally inappropriate for a small conservation village with limited facilities and we’re absolutely determined to protect the rural environment that defines our parish. We believe that if this application is approved it will open the floodgates for yet further development in other villages in the Stamford and Peterborough area.”
Photo: Mr Vara with villagers at the site of the proposed development.